The Greencastle-Antrim Old Home Week Association including committee members are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the program.
We would like to extend a special “Thank you” to the Borough of Greencastle; Antrim Township; Greencastle Police Department; Rescue Hose Company No. 1, Inc. Fire, EMS and Fire Police; Pennsylvania State Police; Greencastle-Antrim School District; Greencastle-Antrim Lion’s Club and Greencastle-Antrim Chamber of Commerce for their assistance in making this week’s event a huge success.
And finally, a very special “THANK YOU” to the committee chairpersons, members, and volunteers ~ new and veteran, who helped make this week possible. You graciously gave of your time and talents asking for nothing in return. “Thank you,” to their family members for their support while these volunteers were away at meetings, practices, and rehearsals. The Greencastle-Antrim community is “greatly” blessed by your dedication and love for our community.
The Greencastle Police Department will implement Driving restrictions pertaining to vehicles departing after the fireworks display on Friday evening (or in case of rain on Saturday evening.)
MANDATORY exit routes will be implemented depending on where you park to watch the fireworks display.
The Concerts in the Park scheduled for Saturday, Sunday,
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings (August 6th, 7th,
8th, 9th, 10th) at the Jerome King Playground Band Shell will be held
at the Trinity Lutheran Church, 1186 Jason Drive, Greencastle.
The Official Opening scheduled for Saturday, August 6 at 11:00am will be held in the Family Life Center at the First United Methodist Church, 45 North Washington Street.
The Bicycle Races scheduled for Wednesday, August 10 at 1 pm will be postponed to a date to be determined.
The “Fun” Dog Show scheduled for Thursday, August 11 at 10
am will be postponed until Friday, August 12 at 10 am.
The Parade scheduled for Thursday, August 11 at 6 pm will be
postponed until Saturday, August 13 at 2 pm.
The August 12, Friday evening concert by the United States
Navy Band Country Current will be held in the Greencastle-
Antrim High School Auditorium.
The Fireworks scheduled for Friday, August 12 at dusk will be
postponed until Saturday, August 13 at dusk.
The Greencastle-Antrim Old Home Week Association including committee members are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the program.
All rights to the copyrights and trademarks are reserved.
Mailing Address:
Greencastle-Antrim Old Home Week Association
PO Box 536
Greencastle, PA 17225
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